We Have An Oral Surgeon Who Performs Dental Extractions And Wisdom Tooth Extractions. 

What We Do

We provide comprehensive dental treatment, including extraction and tooth replacement for patients in Astoria, NY and Queens, NY

There are a few different situations that make dental extraction necessary. For example, one or more teeth may need to be extracted, due to infection, to make room for new teeth to come in, and as part of treatment for the orthodontic correction. The procedure may be performed by your regular dentist or an oral surgeon.

The root of each tooth is encased in a socket in the jawbone, which is held in place by a ligament. When extracting a tooth, the dentist begins by expanding the socket and separating the tooth from the ligament. The process doesn’t take long, and we offer nitrous oxide for our patients if needed. Once the tooth has been removed, tooth replacement is important to keep the teeth from shifting and causing problems with speech and eating. The dentist will explain your options.

Wisdom Teeth

For most people, wisdom teeth come out during their late teens or early twenties. In some situations, the teeth come out straight and do not need to be removed. However, when the teeth have trouble coming out, they may cause crowding in the mouth, which can lead to pain, tooth decay, or infection. If the wisdom teeth tilt towards the front tooth, they won’t erupt. These are known as impacted wisdom teeth and will need to be removed.

When the wisdom teeth become impacted, it is essential to remove them, or jaw or nerve damage could result. Removing the teeth resolves current problems and prevents future pain. The level of pain and recovery time depends on how badly the teeth are impacted, age and overall health. Most patients experience some minor discomfort and patients are limited to a soft diet during recovery.

Please browse our website to read more about the dental treatment options offered at Steinway Family Dental Center and contact our office today at 718-728-3314 to schedule an appointment with the dentist.

Experts recommend that wisdom teeth are evaluated early, usually during the mid-teen years. Early treatment can not only resolve any current problems, but can also prevent serious issues that may develop in the future.


What is a dental extraction?

Dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth.

Why would a dentist recommend tooth extraction versus a root canal?

A dentist may recommend tooth extraction when a root canal is no longer possible. This often happens if the tooth has decayed below the level of the bone. In such cases, attempting a root canal would be futile as the tooth won't survive afterwards. Therefore, extraction is recommended.

Do dentists give pain medication after the tooth extraction?

Yes, typically you will be given prescriptions for an antibiotic, if necessary, and some painkillers. The use of painkillers is optional. If you're not experiencing pain, you're not obliged to take the medication, but you can take it as long as you're uncomfortable.

Is it always necessary to remove wisdom teeth?

No, it's not always necessary to remove wisdom teeth. They should be removed if they're causing trouble. However, if there's enough space for them and they're growing straight, they can be saved and need not be removed.

Is tooth extraction necessary before getting an implant?

Yes, tooth extraction is necessary before getting an implant. A dental implant is meant to replace a tooth, so the existing tooth in the same area must be removed before the implant can be placed. This involves removing any remnants of the tooth, followed by bone grafting, and then the implant placement.

Is tooth extraction necessary for braces?

Orthodontists may recommend tooth extraction in certain cases to facilitate the braces process or to achieve the ultimate goal. However, tooth extraction is not always necessary for braces. Some patients may need it, but not the majority.

When is tooth extraction recommended?

Tooth extraction is typically recommended when no other treatment is possible and the tooth is beyond saving. This generally happens when the tooth can't be saved for a long time or the saving wouldn't be justified.

What should I expect during a tooth extraction?

During a tooth extraction, you can expect to receive anesthetic to numb the area. The dentist or oral surgeon will then remove the tooth. After removing the tooth, the area is cleaned, a bone graft is placed, a membrane is placed over it, and the gum is sutured over the hole. You should be comfortable throughout the process. After a couple of weeks, you would return to the dentist or surgeon to have the sutures removed.

Can tooth extraction cure periodontal disease or gum disease?

Tooth extraction can help with gum disease, but it doesn't necessarily cure it. While extracting a tooth can eliminate gum disease around that tooth, it won't restore lost bone from gum disease. The ultimate goal is to keep your teeth. However, when all the bone around a tooth is lost and the tooth can't be saved, extraction is the best option.

Can a dentist just pull the infected tooth?

A dentist can remove an infected tooth. However, when a tooth is infected, the surrounding bone also deteriorates. Therefore, it's not just about removing the tooth but also addressing the damage done to the bone. This is similar to filling a tooth with a cavity - the tooth is cleaned, and then filled. In the case of an infected tooth, you would need the tooth removed and the bone repaired.

How long does it normally take for healing after the tooth extraction?

The healing process varies depending on the structure. The gums, like skin, heal relatively quickly, typically within a week. However, the bone takes much longer to heal, with bone regeneration taking up to six months.

Is the bone graft necessary after the tooth extraction?

In most cases, a bone graft is necessary after tooth extraction. When a tooth is removed, the bone tends to fold into the empty socket, reducing the level of bone that was once present. To prevent this and preserve the bone for future restoration, a bone graft procedure is usually performed immediately after extraction.

How painful is a tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction should not be painful at all. Before the extraction begins, the area is numbed. The only discomfort you might feel is from the anesthetic injection. After that, you should only be aware that something is happening, but without any pain.

If you need tooth extractions, when would you need to see a general dentist, versus an oral surgeon?

The need to see a regular dentist or an oral surgeon depends on the complexity of the extraction. For simple extractions, like a baby tooth, a dentist can perform the procedure. However, for more complicated extractions or surgical extractions, such as wisdom teeth, an oral surgeon would be recommended.

What kind of anesthesia is available during the tooth extraction?

There are a few types of anesthesia available for tooth extraction. Local anesthetic numbs only the area where the tooth is, while block technique anesthesia numbs a whole quarter of your mouth. In some cases, you may be put to sleep, but you would still receive an injection because being asleep doesn't mean you don't feel anything. You're just not reacting. So, it would be a combination of local anesthetic or block anesthetic to ensure you don't feel any pain during the procedure.