Do We Treat Crime Victims With Damaged Teeth?
We have helped a number of patients that have experienced traumatic injuries due to assaults, crimes and abuse. We are sympathetic to your needs and understand the suffering you may be experiencing.
Have You Been In An Accident?
Are you or a family member an innocent victim of a violent crime or accident in need of dental care? If so, we’re here to help! We offer the restorative dental services you need, plus the assistance of a team that cares. There’s no task we can’t handle!
We are also offering a complimentary dental cleaning (SRP not applicable) and exam once your treatment is completed to make sure everything is great!
At Steinway Family Dental Center we custom fit a night guard for each individual patient. These simple devices can protect the surface of your teeth, and prevent severe jaw pain. Night guards allow you to be more conscious of the movement of your teeth, especially the tendency to clench. This is why night guards are the recommended choice for patients with bruxism.
At Steinway Family Dental Center, our primary goal is to perform excellent dental care services and form lasting relationships with our patients. Located right in Astoria Queens, NY, we provide comprehensive, cosmetic, preventative, and restorative dental services. Our dedicated doctors and dental team use the newest technology to provide you with a pain-free and pleasant dental experience.
How long will it take to find out if I am eligible?
The time frame varies between patients. In some cases you may have to wait a little longer than others. We try our best to follow up with the status of patient’s pre-authorization to make sure we get a response and begin treatment in a timely manner.
How do I know if I qualify for benefits?
Please check New York state’s CVB for more information.
Will I have to pay for anything out-of-pocket?
Depending on your benefits, and the severity of the case, there may be a minimal out-of-pocket cost. However, we try and make sure all our treatments are affordable and also provide payment plans if necessary.
What documents do I need to provide?
To begin, our office will need the patient’s CVB information. Then patients will be able to discuss the treatment and process with our dentists. During this visit, information on the exact documentation needed to proceed will be provided.
In case of an emergency who should I contact?
Patients can contact our office at (718) 728-3314 and speak with our staff or ask to speak with the dentist assisting them.
How long will my dental treatment take?
The length of dental treatments varies on a case by case basis. However, our dentists can give patients an estimate regarding their specific treatment.