What are dental cavities?
Cavities are basically decay, where the tooth structure becomes weaker. Although the tooth is very strong, when we get a weak spot on it due to decay, that's a dental cavity.
What causes cavities in teeth?
Cavities are usually caused by improper cleaning. When food gets stuck to the teeth and isn't removed in time, it oxidizes and weakens the enamel. If this happens occasionally, it's not a big deal, but if it becomes a habit of not cleaning thoroughly in one particular area, decay will develop in that tooth.
How does a dentist check for cavities?
The first method is through X-rays, which show weak spots and areas where teeth have insufficient enamel. Secondly, a dentist can visually inspect the teeth and identify decay. Additionally, a dentist might use an explorer, a metal tool, to check if the surface is sticky rather than hard, indicating the presence of a cavity.
What are the stages of cavities?
The first stage is when the cavity hasn't penetrated through the entire enamel layer and can be fixed without a dentist's intervention using products like MI Paste to remineralize the enamel. The next stage involves a hygienist placing a sealant to prevent further decay while it's still in the enamel. The third stage occurs when decay has passed through the enamel into the dentin, which is softer, allowing decay to progress faster. Sometimes a small opening in the enamel leads to a large cavity inside. The next stage is when decay has reached the tooth's center where the nerve is, causing pain. The final stage is when decay has gone so far that the tooth has broken off.
Can cavities spread to other teeth?
Yes, if two teeth are next to each other and one has a cavity, the gap allows more food to get stuck, oxidize, and weaken the enamel of the adjacent tooth, potentially spreading the cavity.
Is it possible for cavities to go away?
If the cavity just started and hasn't penetrated the enamel, using remineralizing products like MI Paste may help. However, the only sure way to fix a cavity is by seeing a dentist.
How do you stop a cavity from progressing?
The best way is to see your dentist, who can clean out the decay and put in a filling to stop it from progressing.
How long do cavity fillings last?
Fillings can last a lifetime if you take care of them by brushing and flossing regularly. If you slack off, you may develop recurrent decay, and the filling will fail.
Can dental cleaning prevent cavities?
Yes, dental cleaning can prevent cavities, but it also requires you to brush and floss at home to prevent them as well.
What should I do if I suspect that I have a cavity?
Contact your dentist. If you can't reach them, you can call us at (718) 728-3314 or visit alldentalneeds.com to request an appointment. When you come in, we'll check out the tooth and determine the stage of decay to help you fix it.